AEGEE-Delft is the student travel association of Delft! We come together Weekly as an open and close group to have some beers. Next to that we have trips where we travel, meet people around Europe and explore. But having drinks and travelling isn't the only thing AEGEE-Delft offers, bring your ideas to life in our lovely committees! We organise events like proms, BBQ's and a blacklight festival.
AEGEE-Delft is part of the biggest studentnetwork of Europe, AEGEE-Europe, with 13.000 members divided over 161 sister-associations which we visit often. Throughout the year trips around Europe are organised, where our sister-associations show us the most beautiful sides of their city. Examples are a boatparty on the Donau or Maidult (similar to Octoberfest) in May at our twin-association AEGEE-Passau.
Interested? Visit us during the OWee, or check us out on social media!
AEGEE- The movie
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