Your company on the map

Every year in August, TU Delft's Introduction Week (OWee) takes place. This year already the 51st edition! During this week about 6000 new bachelor and master students get acquainted with Delft's student life. They get to know all aspects of the city itself, the campus and all sports, study and student associations. They are therefore open to all kinds of new information. This makes the OWee the ideal time to promote your company among approx. 6000 prospective and approx. 1000 senior year technical students. 

With a cooperation with the OWee 2024 your company will achieve several things, namely establishing brand awareness among Delft students, creating support among students and acquiring free publicity. If you are interested in this, we would love to give you a call in order to find the best suitable opportunity for your company! 

We look forward hearing from you.

Team Acquisition OWee 51

Suus Luiken, Kasper Weel, Pim van Mildert & Sybe de Haan

head of acquisition

Suus Luiken
M: [email protected]
T: +31(0)152785854

M: +31681926214

External affairs

Sybe de haan
M: [email protected]
T: +31(0)15 2789480
M: +31641230104

Secretary & Head of participants

Pim van Mildert
M: [email protected]
T: +31(0)152786709
M: +31681926215