information for parents/guardians

When your child goes on to study in Delft much will change for him or her. The best way to get to know the way of life in Delft is to participate in the OWee. It is understandable that you have some questions left. This is why down below we provide some extra explanation about what the OWee is. 

Why the OWee?

The OWee is meant for your child to get to know Delft and to feel at home. From learning how to find a new room to how it is to study at our Technical University, all aspects of student life come forward in our introduction program. 

What are the costs?

There are costs bound to participating in the OWee. The registration fee for the OWee is €98.50. This includes costs for overnight stay, food and activities. However, drinks can be consumed at the events themselves, for this you can buy coins later in the form or else at one of the coin machines on the site during the OWee. 

Alcohol policy

Alcohol will be available at some of the activities. Remember to consume this in moderation. No alcohol is served under 18. Violation of this rule or signs of excessive alcohol consumption will lead to removal of the OWee. Alcohol consumption before 17.00 is prohibited at events organized by the OWee


If you are seriously concerned about your child, you can call this emergency number.
+31 6 4736 9931

For less urgent questions, you can contact us here.

Are sleeping accomodations provided?

We offer sleeping accomodations for students who do not have a place to stay yet. There are sleep-in houses, these are student houses who welcome first year students during the OWee. Or you could stay at one of our sleeping halls.


During the OWee food will be fixed. It is thus unnecesarry to bring your own food. There will also be enough places in Delft to get some food, you can also check the BINAS for more tips!

Additional Questions?

If you have any additional questions take a look at the FAQ. If your questions still has not been answered contact us.