Our house rules
We kindly ask you to follow these house rules during the OWee. This way, we can make the OWee amazing together!
Rule number 1.
Visitors under the age of 18 are not allowed to buy and/or consume alcohol. Visitors over the age of 18 are not allowed to provide alcohol to visitors under the age of 18. The consequences of violating these rules are removal from the terrain and confiscation of your participants' wristband. Visitors must be in possession of a valid ID, which must be shown at request of the security/organization. Alcohol consumption before 17.00 is prohibited at all events hosted by the OWee.
Rule number 2.
Possession, use or sale of soft and/or hard drugs is prohibited. Concerning narcotics, both soft and hard drugs, a zero-tolerance policy applies and action must be taken in accordance with the policy established by 'het Openbaar Ministerie' .
Possession of soft drugs and/or party drugs (including nitrous oxide) is not permitted, even if it concerns a user's stock.
Rule number 3.
The organization has the right to refuse access to the event site to visitors or participants who are intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs.
Rule number 4.
Threats, abuse, discrimination, sexual intimidation and all other forms of nuisance and/or aggressive and undesirable behavior will not be tolerated by the organization.
Rule number 5.
Visitors and participants of the OWee will not be in a nuisance to the the neighbourhood residents and/or entrepreneurs in the area.
Rule number 6.
Participants and visitors of the OWee enter the event sites at their own risk. The organization is not liable for any form of damage whatsoever resulting from the acts of the organization, persons employed by the organization, other persons who work for the organization or third parties responsible for the logistics of the event, unless there is malicious intent or gross negligence.
Rule number 7.
It is not allowed to bring your own food and drinks to OWee events. Refreshments will always be available.
Rule number 8.
Throw away your garbage in the appropriate waste containers. Throw residual waste in the residual waste bins and plastic (cups) at the designated points.
Rule number 9.
Footage will be taken during the events. The OWee is selective with the use of photos and videos in publications. The organization mainly uses the footage for the OWee website and social media platforms. If you do not agree with posted photos where you can be seen, it is possible to object to the OWee Board, after which removal of the photo or video will follow.
Rule number 10.
The footage of the Digital Days may not be distributed to third parties. Links and/or individual images of live streams may not be shared.
Rule number 11.
Resources and images presented during the Digital Days must be treated with respect.
Rule number 12.
For security reasons, visitors and participants may be searched. Visitors and participants must cooperate with this. Possession of glass, drugs, nitrous oxide, plastic bottles, cans, aerosol cans, marker pens, (pet) animals, professional audio and/or video equipment, fireworks, (fire) weapons and/or other dangerous or prohibited objects or substances is not permitted. The organization strongly advises visitors not to bring bags to the events.
Rule number 13.
Visitors and participants must at all times follow the instructions of the organization/security.
Rule number 14.
During the event it is not allowed to:
- Bring medication without a doctor's prescription;
- Take cups or bottles outside;
- Trade in goods and/or to be guilty of receiving stolen goods;
- Destroy any objects or buildings, commit vandalism or steal. Any damage caused needs to be recovered from the causer(s);
- Distribute promotional material in and around the site without written permission;
- Bring and/or set off fireworks;
Rule number 15.
If our house rules are violated, access to the event will be denied.
Rule number 16.
If house rules 2 to 5 are violated, the police will be warned and people will be excluded from further participation.
Rule number 17.
(Sexual) transgressive behavior, including but not limited to unwanted touching, verbal abuse or any form of gender-based harassment, will not be tolerated. Creating a safe and respectful environment is key. If the organization finds that someone is engaging in (sexually) transgressive behavior, this will be officially reported, the participation of the person involved will be stopped immediately and the person involved will be removed from the premises.